The Versatile Blogger Award – #2

A huge thank you goes Emily @ The Literary Life who nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award! This is my second time, and I couldn’t be happier about all the love you guys throw at me here on this blog! ❤ Funny thing is, I was nominated for the second time by her second TVBA nomination post! 😀

Please, visit Emily’s blog, it’s worth a check! 😉

The Versatile Blogger Award


  • Thank the person who gave you the award.
  • Include a link to their blog.
  • Select 7 blogs/bloggers that you’ve discovered recently or regularly follow.
  • Nominate those 7 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.


  1. I currently own 492 physical books. These are all my own (not part of the family’s) and I’ve been gathering them since I was 5. (Textbooks not counted.)
  2. My dream house has its own library. No matter how small it is. If it’s not possible (I plan to have children sometime in the future, so probably they’ll need an extra room more than my books…), I want my living room be crowded with bookshelves. I basically want to live in a library. 😀
  3. I know my best friend from before kindergarten. We lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools from kindergarten to high school, and only parted at university – but only partly, because we went to university in the same city, only different faculty. (At first. She’s PhD-ing in the med school now, so we have a bit of common ground there, too.)
  4. I bought a beautiful spotted mug that’s 7 dl (Yes, I use the metric system. Deal with it!) and it is amazing! Okay this has nothing to do with this post. I just wanted to boast. I love it! I love hugging it when it’s full of nice smelling hot tea while reading!
  5. I have a rule of not saying ‘no’ to coffee. Ever.
  6. I probably became an avid reader because my mother is one.
  7. I only recently bought a Kindle, and I love it way more than I thought I would! (I read ebooks on my tablet before.)

If you’d like to know seven more things, take a look at my first round in this award: The Versatile Blog Award!

My Nominations:

Of course, there’s no pressure, only do it if you feel up to it! But if you do, please, don’t forget to tag me! 😉

Hugs 🙂

31 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award – #2

  1. Thank you for tagging me! Gosh that’s a lot of books you have.. I actually haven’t counted my physical books but I’m not sure it’s a good idea either, although they don’t seem so many I know looks can be deceiving :-). I’m so going to look on Instagram to see if I spot a photo of your mug :-). I also never say no to coffee, I drink coffee every single day :-). Lovely to know these new facts about you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re welcome! 😊 I have an exact count because I have a list of them, so it would be easier to follow what I own 😅 I started it as a preteen, so my family would know which one they should not buy me as a gift 😀 there’s no photo of the mug on Instagram so far, but I plan to do and share at least some 😉

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  2. Those pesky future children getting rid of our libraries! Lol my house will be filled with bookshelves everywhere as soon as I actually get a place large enough for a bookshelf…for now, I settle for having hundreds of books on Kindle and easy access to a digital and physical library at all times. I have actually picked my housing before based on the distance between me and the nearest library.

    Thanks for the nomination!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah I’m having problem finding place to my physical copies 😅 so I’m reading more and more ebooks… But my book buying habit will come back once I have a house with bookshelves 😊🏡📖

      You’re welcome! ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, this is such an awesome tag, so thank you for tagging me! I’ll have to make a post soon. And it’s great getting to read more about you. I felt the same way about my Kindle! I knew it’d make reading ebooks easier, but I fell in love with the thing. Would your library have its own cataloging system, or do you just replace books wherever they fit? I feel that’s a big bookworm question.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re welcome!! 😊 Hm, that’s a great question. Right now I’m pretty much losing any sign of a system, mainly because of losing space for my books 😅 I have a simple list I’ve been adding every new book to ever since I was like 12, and the main organizing principle on my shelves in that I want series/books written by the same author to be next to each other. It’s really hard to do with too little space. I want it all to be more organized, but a lot of change is about to come in my life this year, lodging-wise, too, so I don’t see the point of working out the best way for me yet. Once I’ll have a permanent apartment I live in, I’ll do all this stuff. 😊

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      1. Well that sounds like a good plan to me! It basically sounds like we’ve got a similar system going. At this point, I stack books wherever I can fit them. That’s so awesome that you’ve been compiling a list since you were 12, though. Starting that dedication to books early! Hopefully you’ll have the library you’ve always wanted soon enough.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I think I’ve been very dedicated to books ever since I learnt to read at 5, but by the time I was 12 it got out of hand, and I had to write a list to keep track of what I own 😅😁

        Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! It really is 😅 I have 66 of them that I haven’t yet read, and that’s only those that are physical copies that I personally own… I’m sure my tbr is pretty much undoable 😂


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