The Untouched Bookshelf Challenge: My List

Welcome to my The Untouched Bookshelf Challenge! As I promised, my crazy long list of owned physical books to be read is here!

If you don’t yet know what this is all about, check out my page The Untouched Bookshelf Challenge! And join, if you like what you see! I’m very hopeful about this challenge, because I previously had several attempts to read all these books by myself – and I completely failed. There’s something magical in doing challenges together, though, so I’m positive that this time, together, with you guys, this huge pile will be possible to conquer. ❤

My list contains 67 books. (So far. I’m not sure I can actually manage to read 67 books without buying even one… and that means I must add to it what I buy…thus making my ‘suffering’ longer :D) I have to say it is a very eclectic selection. I decided to do this hardcore: I included gift books and so, everything that’s been on my shelves for ages – so, every physical books that I own at the moment, but have never read. Of course, I won’t add those that I get free/as a gift while doing the challenge. That would be cruel! 😀 And I’d probably never finish. (And not including them is the rule. Which I made. Never mind…)

My List:

  1. ‘Ancient Athens on 5 Drachmas a Day’ by Philip Matyszak
  2. ‘Mozart’ by Johannes Jansen
  3. ‘Genius in the Shadows: A Biography of Leo Szilard, the Man Behind the Bomb’ by William Lanouette, Bela Silard

  4. ‘Declassified: 50 Top-Secret Documents That Changed History’
    by Thomas B. Allen
  5. ‘The Hobbit’ by J.R.R. Tolkien
  6. ‘A Discovery of Witches’ by Deborah Harkness
  7. ‘The Black Tulip’ by Alexandre Dumas
  8. ‘Haunt Me Still’ by Jennifer Lee Carrell
  9. ‘Rules of Deception’ by Christopher Reich
  10. ‘The Big Nowhere’ by James Ellroy
  11. ‘Anyám könnyű álmot ígér’ by Sütő András
  12. ‘Not a Hazardous Sport’ by Nigel Barley
  13. ‘The Patient’ by Michael Palmer
  14. ‘A sors játéka’ by Evelyn Marsh
  15. ‘The Dark Volume’ by Gordon Dahlquist
  16. ‘The Burial’ by Courtney Collins
  17. ‘The Tourist’ by Olen Steinhauer
  18. ‘The Pillow Book of the Flower Samurai’ by Barbara Lazar
  19. ‘The Inquisitor’s Wife’ by Jeanne Kalogridis
  20. ‘Az orvosnők korán halnak’ by Isa Schneider
  21. ‘Dollface: A Novel of the Roaring Twenties’ by Renee Rosen
  22. ‘The Death and Life of Bobby Z’ by Don Winslow
  23. ‘Daughter of the Pirate King’ by Tricia Levenseller
  24. ‘The Whisperer’ by Donato Carrisi
  25. ‘Oryx and Crake’ by Margaret Atwood
  26. ‘Írd hozzá a vért!’ by Tandori Dezső
  27. ‘Nine Months’ by Paula Bomer
  28. ‘Kisangyal’ by Lázár Ervin
  29. ‘Dog Boy’ by Eva Hornung
  30. ‘Pokoli szolgálat’ by Vivien Holloway
  31. ‘Song of the Current’ by Sarah Tolcser
  32. ‘Throne of Glass’ by Sarah J. Maas
  33. ‘The Memoirs of Zeus’ by Maurice Druon
  34. ‘Agatha Christie’s Secret Notebooks’ by John Curran
  35. ‘Halo’ by Alexandra Adornetto
  36. ‘Hades’ by Alexandra Adornetto
  37. ‘The Judgement Of The Mummy’ by Christian Jacq
  38. ‘Bűnös?’ by Ferdinand von Schirach
  39. ‘Ártatlan?’ by Ferdinand von Schirach
  40. ‘Private Games’ by James Patterson and Mark Sullivan
  41. ‘Step on a Crack’ by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge
  42. ‘The Heart’s Invisible Furies’ by John Boyne
  43. ‘Twisted: The Collected Stories of Jeffery Deaver’ by Jefferey Deaver
  44. ‘The Broken Window’ by Jeffery Deaver
  45. ‘Fall of Giants’ by Ken Follett
  46. ‘Winter of the World’ by Ken Follett
  47. ‘Edge of Eternity’ by Ken Follett
  48. ‘Esti Kornél/Esti Kornél kalandjai’ by Kosztolányi Dezső
  49. ‘Flirt’ by Laurell K. Hamilton
  50. ‘Bullet’ by Laurell K. Hamilton
  51. ‘Hit List’ by Laurell K. Hamilton
  52. ‘Pillangó’ by Móricz Zsigmond
  53. ‘Isle of Dogs’ by Patricia Cornwell
  54. ‘Scarpetta’ by Patricia Cornwell
  55. ‘The Year of the Intern’ by Robin Cook
  56. ‘Intervention’ by Robin Cook
  57. ‘The Gunslinger’ by Stephen King
  58. ’11/22/63′ by Stephen King
  59. ‘Christine’ by Stephen King
  60. ‘The Green Mile’ by Stephen King
  61. ‘Édes, mint a bűn’ by Vavyan Fable
  62. ‘Ezüstegér’ by Vavyan Fable
  63. ‘Halálnak halálával’ by Vavyan Fable
  64. ‘Tündértánc 1-2’ by Vavyan Fable
  65. ‘A Kiss of Shadows’ by Laurell K. Hamilton
  66. ‘A Caress of Twilight’ by Laurell K. Hamilton
  67. ‘The Fall of Rome’ by Michael Curtis Ford

So, this list includes books I got as a gift years before, and thus they weren’t exactly my choice, like ‘Not a Hazardous Sport’ or ‘Ancient Athens on 5 Drachmas a Day’. They’re probably great, but I never really got in the mood for reading them. There are ones that were gifts I asked for, then I didn’t want to read them so much anymore, like volumes of Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. (I’m sure you’ve already come across my rant about how bad a turn this series made. I tend to speak about it a lot, because it really makes me angry. If not, here are the reviews I wrote about ‘Incubus Dreams’ and ‘Danse Macabre’.)

Some other books I won at school competitions (yes, these happened more than a decade ago), and I got ‘Genius in the Shadows’ by a patient my mother had, and whom she told I love physics. (She’s a midwife and worked as a nurse at the time.) I bought ‘The Tourist’ on a sale in a closing library in my neighborhood. (Which is kind of sad, but I have to say the library had so bad marketing that I didn’t even know it was there until I saw the adds and Facebook event of their closing sale. It was literally 3 minutes from where I live. Can you imagine?!)

The majority of these books are those that I bought myself during my university years (meaning the last six…well, six and a half now), but never had time to read them, and then I forgot to do so. There are 43 books like that on this list. Yes, I have a problem. I know.

The titles written in Hungarian are books that (at least at the moment) don’t have an English version.

I wanted to include in this post which book I’m going to start with, but I have to admit I have no idea! I’m such a mood reader, I still have to decide which one to read first. I’m not sure it would be the same as the one I’d choose tomorrow, or the day after that.

I’m about to finish this post, but before I do, I’d like to mention that this is not the first list posted as part of the challenge. Rekha @ The Book Decoder has already posted hers, and I love it! She has written a very lovely post. Thank you for your enthusiasm and congrats on your wonderful post, Rekha! 😉 I’m looking forward to reading your upcoming ones as well.

So, this is my first post in the challenge. I’m sure it would be months until the last one, though, with this long list of books! 😀

Hugs 🙂

29 thoughts on “The Untouched Bookshelf Challenge: My List

  1. Oh, i spot a few Stephen King! Nice 🙂 I hope you’ll enjoy those, and the rest of the books too.

    I just read my very fist Scarpetta book last week – something i’ve been meaning to do for years now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Those King novels are part of the pile(s) I bought myself than didn’t have time. Actually I bought a couple more, but I read some already. I love his books! 🙂
      Did you like Scarpetta? That’s been on my shelf for years, too! 😀 (I know the book I own is not the first book, I bought it on a sale…and thought I’d read the ones before it. Well, it never happened… so now I’m gonna read this one, and the rest can come if I like it! 😀 )

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      1. I did, yea!
        As it’s set in 1990s there were a few things that are super outdated, like the computer system they talk about a lot, but for me it was more nostalgic than distracting.

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      2. I don’t mind if something’s outdated as long as the time the story is set in is clearly stated. (Either it’s told in the story in case the book was published

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      3. later, or it was written back then, so I know it obviously can’t be set today) I hate it when I don’t know about it and I have to guess based on the technology and stuff like that… If it’s all clear, I actually love reading stories that aren’t set today. 😊

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  2. That’s an amazing collection of books though it is eclectic. Sadly nothing in common. But good luck with your challenge 😀 looking fwd to some of the reviews! 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  3. i can see a few that i enjoyed reading – “All souls trilogy” by Deborah Harkness (you have the first one, a discovery of witches up there); and “Daughter of the pirate king” was a fabulous read, and i’m itching to get to the second book. And then you have throne of glass – now, come on, pick this series first – the last book, Kingdom of Ash, was just released.
    The Green mile is fabulous too. And i hear good things about John Boyne… And Hamilton’s books, i’d say start from the beginning, i don’t think the later books will make too much sense without the first ones..
    Still, that’s an impressive pile to tackle. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 😘
      Throne of Glass is definitely high on my list! Especially since a friend of mine can lend me the other books in the series, so I can binge-read them! 😊 I’ve read the Anita Blake series up to Blood Noir. Actually that’s why I couldn’t get myself to read those on this list – the last couple of books I read were terrible. I still want to read them, because, well, OCD 😅 it’s just harder now to get myself to do it. I loved the first couple of books in the series, and I was super sad to see it going down…
      I bought the John Boyne book because I’ve only read fantastic reviews about it. I’m actually very excited to read that one!

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      1. There’s one of Boyne’s that’s making the rounds lately, i think it’s called a ladder to the sky, or something to that extent. As for Annita blake, i don’t remember where i paused reading but i know i stopped because the plot got los somewhere. There was nothing left then but graphic and meaningless sex scenes. Plus, i had always hoped she’d end up with Richard, the werewolf.

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      2. Yes I’ve seen reviews for that one, too. I’ve only read one John Boyne book so far, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and I really liked that, though that’s aimed more to a younger audience.
        That’s my problem with the Anita Blake series, too. I still seem to get new volumes as gifts, that’s why they’re on my list. I’m not much of a fan of Richard, but that’s because of the later books, too. Or, rather the ones in the middle of the series now, since it seems like this series will never stop. 😅

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  4. Good luck with your challenge, I can’t join you because my book buying is so bad I can only hope (and do intend) to reduce it somewhat. Also my tbr (physical – the majority and some kindle) stands at about 246.. My goal next year is finish on under 200 tbr (I read over 100 a year but my book buying….) but that was my goal thus year. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 😘 I completely get that kind of book buying addiction. 😅 It’s like sometimes you don’t even think and end up with 5+ books 😆 that’s an impressive tbr to tackle. Good luck and have fun conquering it! 😉


  5. The only one I have on my bookshelf from your list is Isle of Dogs by Patricia Cornwell. I just counted and I have 391 books that I have either been gifted or purchased, these are physical books. I will not complete a full list, perhaps 5o that are on my horizon to read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For some unknown reason this comment went to spam, and I only realized it now… >< I have no idea why it happened because so far I've got every comment from you, even when links were also included….
      Anyways, thank you very much! ❤ And it's never too late to join the challenge, anytime you get the courage! 😉


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